- Programming Language: PHP 7.x and Zend Framework 1.11 for legacy and Flutter web and app for new applications since 2021. - Database: MySQL (Relational Database) and Mongo (Non-Relational Database). - Webservice: Restful JSON API. - Mobile Applications (APPs): Ionic and Flutter.
Answer: Cesla is installed in data centers certified ISO 27001 - Cyber Security, with 24x7 availability guaranteeing 98% availability. Our data centers provide security structure with international standards and daily backups. Our clouds are Azure Microsoft ISO 27001 (operating with DB and Load Balance in Azure East-USA and performing daily backups in Azure West-USA)
Answer: Yes, our APPs are available for download in the two main stores, Google Play Store for Android operating system and Apple Store for iOS operating system. But before purchasing mobiles and peripherals for your project, please check with Cesla's team the specifications of the brands of devices suitable for Android. For full operation of mobiles with Android, we recommend only brands that use native Android.
Answer: Interfaces are key to project performance gains. We have interfaces with the main ERPs in the market. We have inferfaces created and operating with SAP PM, SAP Hanna, IBM Maximus, TOTvs, SOC, Senior, Soj, Apdata, Appolus, Suricato, Foracesso, among others. Which APIs do we offer today? AD SSO (Active Directory) Single Sign On - MSFT 365. - This interface allows users to login using a corporate credential to access multiple independent software systems also enabling controls and lockouts from a single location. Own HR - This interface allows CESLA to consume the client's own employee data as well as training data, ASO (Health Certificate) with their respective skills. Hired HR - When the client does not use Cesla's contractor management (Hive) or has other software for this purpose, this interface allows Cesla to consume data from service provider companies and employees, as well as training data, ASO (Health Certificate) with their proper skills and integrations. Maintenance OSs|OMs - When the client uses some maintenance order management tool, this API allows Cesla to consume the data of the referred OM for connection with activities in the LOTO and Electronic Work Permit modules. Contract Access Control (Turnstiles) - When the client uses Cesla's contractor management (Hive), this interface allows Cesla to send data from companies and service provider employees, enabling access control to the unit if necessary.
Answer: We have some necessary pillars that the client should look at before hiring Cesla's platform. They are: - Connectivity: Mandatory to offer a wi-fi network of at least 10 mb/s for synchronization use or a 4G or 5G mobile internet network - DevicesDevices : Mandatory tablets or smartphones in sufficient quantity so that your operation is not impacted by lack of equipment. (Before buying or renting, ask Cesla for the specification of approved devices). We have device rental contracts available for non-intrinsic areas directly with CESLA. Consult us) - MDM (Mobile Device Management)MDM (Mobile Device Management): Optional application that enables system administrators to manage which applications users can access on the device (tablet or smartphone), preventing it from disabling location, changing wi-fi networks or accessing applications not allowed. - Android Enterprise Zero Touch: Optional application for android mobiles that allows creating a single account (gmail) enterprise to manage all existing devices from a single login and password. (Contact our sales team)